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  • Our competence in automation & robotics training includes modular qualification and further training offers that can be tailored to the individual needs of our customers.
    Because what counts for us is what is needed in practice - that's what we stand for.
  • The right training

    Our competence in automation & robotics training includes modular qualification and further training offers that can be tailored to the individual needs of our customers. Because what counts for us is what is needed in practice - that's what we stand for.

Leadec Education Center – robotics and automation

Our Education Center offers comprehensive training services in the fields of robotics and automation. In this way, we support our customers in the training of specialists in a short-term, demand-oriented and professional manner. We are one of the few companies in Germany that have succeeded in creating a certified robotics training program based on the specific needs of our customers, which is unique in Germany in this form. We provide manufacturer-independent training courses on KUKA, FANUC and ABB robots. 


Experts in the field of robot operation and programming are in demand like never before! As the demand grows, so do the requirements. As a leading industrial service provider in an international environment, Leadec has the expertise to lead you and your employees to success through practical trainings and further education in the various automation processes and topics.


We are pleased to adapt the training courses to your specific needs. Contact us for an individual offer.



Specialist training

Competence is what sets us apart

Our training courses teach the common robot standards and include comprehensive practical exercises. In our facilities we teach practical basics and perfect knowledge. Our qualified training keeps graduates up to date with the rapid development of robotics. Combined training on two robot types at a time saves time and enables specifications and differences to be learned directly. Ask about our current range of courses.


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Customized qualification measures

Your requirements come first
  • wide range of high-quality educational opportunities
  • qualification of employees within the scope of major projects or production start-ups
  • individual employee qualification 


Our mission statement

We stay true to our principles

Our primary goal is to enable candidates to successfully participate in a professionally conducted training measure and thus to support them on their way to a future-oriented and interesting profession that is subject to social security contributions.


Mission statement (PDF)

Are you interested in our training offers?

Feel free to ask us.


Herr Hendrik Wahl

Frau Raphaela Facius

Phone: +49 371 65111 451


Leadec Automation & Engineering GmbH

Education Center

Kauffahrtei 25, Building 3

09120 Chemnitz, Germany




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