Your core business: production. Our mission: the smooth running of your production processes. That’s why we always tailor our maintenance strategy exactly to your company. Our experts are there to help you with preventive maintenance.
Systematic asset master data capture
A complete and maintained data structure ensures optimal maintenance process planning and management. Leadec’s digital equipment capture makes it possible to digitize asset parameters as early as in the commissioning phase or at a later stage.
Our predictive concept includes the following steps:
- Digital capture of asset data and parameters
- Assessment of asset condition including images and description of defects
- Assessment of asset defects by our team of experts
- Correction of defects by Leadec
- Mass adjustment
High transparency thanks to digital asset data capture
The digital asset data capture process starts with preparing the existing master data. The data is used to create an equipment identification code which makes unique equipment identification possible. A label with the code as a QR code is affixed to the asset during on-site asset data capture. Further information such as the maintenance history and the equipment condition can also be retrieved via the identification code.
Proven procedure:
- Own Leadec team of experts
- Mobile, time-saving asset data capture using tablets
- Real-time synchronization with central system
- Complete documentation incl. images and QR codes available in many formats and creation of master data
- Digital asset data platform accessible at any time
Advantages of information transparency:
- Clear asset data structure covering all assets
- Reduction of risk of missing a maintenance activity
- Improved cost control
- Basis for planning high plant availability
Data implementation in the CAFM system
Once the asset data has been collected, it is handed over including a list of deficiencies, a condition assessment and images. The data is edited by our team of experts and put into the required format to be loaded to your data system, e.g., CAFM system.
Your added value:
Leadec’s specific approach makes maintenance activities extremely transparent, ensures systematic maintenance planning and makes clear cost control and high plant availability possible.
Your advantage
- Digital asset data capture
- High transparency
- Equipment identification
- Integrated identification of defects
- High quality of data
- Operator’s responsibility is ensured

Want to learn more?
Ask us. Please send us a message. We would be happy to hear from you.