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  • Leadec in Berlin

    Leadec is one of the leading providers of industrial services. At our Berlin location, we offer a wide range of services, including container cleaning.

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Your specialist for container cleaning

We love your factory

With more than 23,000 employees and more than 350 locations worldwide, Leadec is one of the leading providers of industrial services. Internationally active, but still local to the customer. Always close to you, wherever you need us.


Our employees are our strength: Their expertise and know-how ensure optimum container cleaning processes. This is an essential part of many branches of industry and plays a decisive role in almost all sectors. This applies to the automotive industry as well as the pharmaceutical, chemical and processing industries. It is not just a matter of removing visible soiling. Choosing the right cleaning process is crucial, as the specific requirements and conditions of the respective industry must be taken into account. This is the only way to guarantee thorough and effective cleaning that prevents possible contamination and ensures the integrity of the products you store in the containers.


We also offer all other industrial services in Berlin. These include electrical installations, maintenance of production facilities, technical facility management and maintenance cleaning. 



At a glance: Container cleaning at Leadec

Our range of services includes the usual steps such as manual pre-cleaning, rinsing, rinsing, drying and final quality control. Depending on requirements, we carry out mechanical or manual cleaning, also using compressed air if required. We can clean a wide range of contaminants, including oils, grease, transport dust and chips.


We clean your empties - regardless of whether they are

  • Blister
  • Lids
  • Large load carriers
  • Small load carriers 
  • Plastic pallets 
  • Thermoforming sheets
  • Transport and storage boxes
  • Trays

Cleanliness almost with nanoprecision

We guarantee a cleaning quality that removes particles of less than 500 µm.

In addition, we also offer you the hooding and taping of your empties as well as a residual dirt analysis to ensure the cleanliness of your containers. It goes without saying that the empties are sorted according to your specifications.


We also develop individual solutions for you, tailored to your needs. To do this, we draw on our network of experts from all over Germany.


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Discover all our services

  • All
  • Engineer
  • Maintain
  • Support
  • Install
  • Automation

    Digitalization and automation characterize modern smart factories. As a pioneer, Leadec is breaking new ground here, developing and realizing appropriate solutions to make manufacturing fit for Industry 4.0.

  • A Leadec employee analyzing faults and repairing installed electronics.
    Electrical and Mechanical Installation

    We realize customized concepts for electrical and mechanical installation. From planning and implementation to testing of your plant and equipment.

  • A Leadec employee cutting the hedge with a chainsaw at a factory site.
    Infrastructural Facility Management

    For 60 years, our infrastructural facility management has ensured optimal cleaning and maintenance of the entire infrastructure of your core business: production. In this way we create a pleasant working environment and ensure that your buildings, areas and facilities are optimally maintained.

  • A Leadec employee carrying out maintenance in a high-bay warehouse.

    Perfect your internal processes. For you to be able to focus on your production, we ensure smooth logistics processes. No matter whether disposition, transport or storage: We create the best possible conditions for your production – professionally, competently and reliably.

  • A Leadec employee replacing an inverter at a conveyor belt.
    Production Equipment Maintenance

    Your core business: production. Our mission: the smooth running of your production processes. That’s why we always tailor our maintenance strategy exactly to your company. Our experts are there to help you with preventive maintenance.

  • Employee with tablet in hand checks the performance of a machine.
    Production IT

    Intelligent production control makes all the difference and transforms contemporary production facilities into future-ready smart factories. Leadec also relies on in-house software solutions for this.

  • Two people sit in front of a computer and work on a CAD model.
    Production Planning and Optimization

    Factory planning and factory optimization are two factors that determine the success of a production facility. For this reason, Leadec accompanies its customers along the entire process: from planning to successful commissioning, ramp-up support and quality management.

  • Two Leadec employees troubleshooting the conveyor system in an automotive factory.

    New technologies, more flexible production or product innovations regularly bring about changes in the production process. With the help of our relocation services you can respond quickly and make adjustments. We organize the smooth disassembly and reassembly of your production equipment and assembly lines worldwide – even during ongoing production. So that you can focus on your core business!

  • Leadec employee cleaning robot in a paint shop.
    Technical Cleaning

    With our services we support you in caring for and cleaning your production in the best possible way. Whether cleaning ventilation systems, paint shops or machinery, our experts ensure that your production facilities are kept clean, thus retaining their value.

  • Leadec employee working on the ventilation system of a factory.
    Technical Facility Management

    With our Technical Facility Management, we take care of operation, maintenance, inspection and repair of your building services or develop tailor-made concepts for modernization. Also, we rectify faults in the shortest possible time and ensure the supply of your production buildings from hot and cold water to compressed air and electricity.


We would be happy to hear from you:

Leadec FM BV & Co. KG
Titlisweg 42 
12107 Berlin, Germany

Tel. +49 30 70762 165

Or fill in the contact form

Our job offers in Berlin

Our job offers in Berlin

With passion, skill and individual solutions, we are committed to achieving our customers' goals. Would you like to be part of it? We are looking for people to work on projects in the greater Berlin area.


We look forward to receiving your application.


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